Meeting Minutes

December 3, 2024

The meeting was called to order President Dan Hocking

The secretary’s report was read.

The treasurer’s report was read.

Pete moved a motion to approve both reports, seconded by Chuck. The motion passed.



·         Most of the trails are in and leveled. Hopefully, the frost stays

·         Chissy’s gift cards for landowners will be worth $50. We will pay $40 each, Chissy’s chipping in $10.

·         Corey’s dead-end trail. Bob needs to know if anyone is marking it.

·         Sign order is in

·         Trails should be in by Dec 15th, email Bob the names, dates and equipment.

·         Charlie Schmidt will be helping to reroute the Onga woods to avoid the dead spot, with equipment donated by Wagner’s.



Tucker: Dean reported:

·         Dale, Dean and Wayne checked it over.

·         Will be getting a radio in the future.

·         Motor is fixed.



·         AWSC dues may increase, right now we pay $12.50.

·         Rebuilding bridges

·         New Generation Riders need more people to provide leadership.

·         Trees are down on trails all over the state.

·         NKM will send out an email test of the trails open/close.


Old Business:

·         None


New Business:

·         Memorial for Erich, we could get a new Welcome to 5Corners Snowmobile club trails and include his name on it, by Chucks bridge.

·         The AWSC scholarship is due Jan 3rd.

·         Kens Sports Veterans’ scholarship is also due Jan 3rd.

·         Reimburse Judy for the website fee of $10. Matt moves to reimburse Judy the $10, seconded by Pete. All in favor

·         Jan meeting is at 5Corners.

·         We have hats available for $15.



$50-Judy Ziehm

$30-Steve Carrico

$20-Josh DeBruine

$10-Kathy Baumgart


Luke moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Pete. The motion passed.

November 5, 2024

The meeting was called to order by Vice President Scott DeRuyter

The secretary’s report was read.

The treasurer’s report was read.

Both reports accepted as read


Trails: Crops are coming down. Can plan a brushing day if needed, need to let Bob know by the end of November any landowner changes. After putting trails in, email Bob hours.


Tucker: Dean reported:

·        They will be rebuilding the track in the next couple of weeks.

·        Steve Hibbs reimbursement: Dean, Steve and the board talked, and it was decided to pay him $25 an hour, he put in 47 hours. That is a very reasonable price. Dale moved a motion to pay Steve $1200, Terry seconded it. The motion passed.

·        3 idler wheels will also be rebuilt.



·        Ski doo dealer in Sheboygan was bought by Team Winnepago Land

·        Dec 1st landowner lists need to be turned in.

·        NKM website had 300 hits last month.

·        Trail signs are now being made at the Dept of Corrections

·        Howards Grove will have a reroute to the High School

·        Sheboygan Falls canceled the safety class, they had no one sign up.


Old Business:

·        None


New Business:

·        Dec meeting food & $10 gift exchange

·        Let someone know if you need help with trail brushing.

·        Gift cards for landowners-we will get from Chissy’s with a $50 value. Terry moved a motion to get them from Chissy’s, Chuck seconded it. The motion passed.

·        Raffle tickets-only 3 were not turned in. 3rd place for those who sold the most Dean, Jamie, and Paul Meyer with 20 each sold, 2nd place Andy with 50, and 1st place Dale with 55. Dale gets the $50 gift card to Chissy’s.

·        Open board seat and President position due to Erich’s passing. Matt Katte nominated Dan Hocking for both positions, seconded by Chuck Born. After nominations were asked for 3 times, Chuck Born moved to close nominations and cast a unanimous ballot for Dan Hocking. Terry Fischer seconded it. The motion passed.



$50-Kathy Baumgart

$30-Scott Burgin

$20-Laurie Roethel

$10-Dale Baumann


Dale moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Terry. The motion passed.

October 1, 2024

The meeting was called to order by Vice President Scott DeRuyter

The secretary’s report was read.

The treasurer’s report was read.

Both reports accepted as read


Trails: The Oostburg guys will take over Pete & Robin’s trail, Erich’s trail will be taken care of by family & friends. Corey’s trail to Ourtown might be done because of landowner changes.


Tucker: Dean reported:

·        Dale, Dean and Steve put the motor back in, it is running well. A few things to do yet. Will talk to Steve about compensation.



·        The hospitality room at convention make $8000. The AWSC $10,000 raffle tickets are all sold. There will be 4 hospitality rooms at workshops.

·        Safety classes are coming up. Register at

·        Clubs need to make sure they are doing audits.

·        No supplemental in WI last year

·        No changes in labor and equipment rates

·        The Plymouth to Greenbush rec trail is getting redone.

·        There will be a code of conduct rules going forward for hospitality rooms.

·        NKM website had 3,000 hits over the summer.

·        Howards Grove bought a tucker, getting rid of the tractor.


Old Business:

·        None


New Business:

·        Raffle tickets: only 36 left.

·        Brushing day in Ogna woods

·        Workshops-does anyone want to go. Club pays for registration and hotel.

·        Matt moved a motion to give the person that sells the most tickets one of the leftover gift cards to Chissy’s, Terry seconded it. The motion passed.

·        Will need someone to step up as President, Scott can only do it until November.

·        Matt moved a motion to pay commercial sponsor fees for Chissy’s and Kim’s, Terry seconded it. The motion passed.

·        Insurance is $710.65. Terry moved a motion to pay Insurance, seconded by Wayne. The motion passed.


Andy moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Wayne. The motion passed.

September 3, 2024

The meeting was called to order by Vice President Scott DeRuyter

The secretary’s report was read.

The treasurer’s report was read.

Both reports accepted as read


Trails: talk to landowners, let Bob know any changes


Tucker: Dean reported:

·        Worked on it off and on all summer. Ready to put the head on and back into tucker in a couple of weeks. Cost about $2900 so far in engine parts

·        A big Thank you to Steve Hibbs for all his help.


NKM: no report


Old Business:

·        None


New Business:

·        Raffle tickets: Scott asked for someone else to organize, keep track of the tickets. Jeff VanWyk volunteered. Tickets need to be turned in at the start of the November meeting.

·        Workshop: Oct 25-27 at Wilderness Resort and Waterpark, Wisconsin Dells. Anyone willing to go? Scott cannot go this year.

·        Snow show: wide open WI in West Bend is Sept 20-22

·        Trails: talk to landowners, if anyone needs help with brushing, we can organize a brushing day

·        President position: we will need someone to step up by November, Scott is unable to do it past then.

·        Chissy’s: new owners have taken over, they want to keep everything the same. Meetings, landowner gift certificates. We will keep the January meeting at Kim’s.

·        Bob expressed appreciation to Erich, he did a great job on his trail and as President the last year. Scott asked for a moment of silence.

·        I want to thank the club for the flowers for Erich’s funeral and the support shown to me during this time. Erich did what he always does, researched and prepared for his new role as President and mostly enjoyed his time as President, getting to know the members here better as well as other Club members in Sheboygan County, preparing for our part of the AWSC convention last year, with the hospitality day in Batavia.


Luke moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Terry. The motion passed.

April 2, 2024

The meeting was called to order by President Erich Roethel

The secretary’s report was read. Matt moved a motion to accept the secretary’s report, seconded by Pete. The motion passed.

The treasurer’s report was read. Terry moved a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Pete. The motion passed.


Trails: Bob reported $4,361 bill for trails, brushing, leveling, $1,100 for grooming. $1,488 left, usually pulling trails will take up the rest. Email Bob labor and equipment.


Tucker: Dean reported:

·        Will work on it with Steve Hibbs when he has time, end of May. Hoping for simple leaks. Bob moved to spend $5,000 on it and if more to let the board know, Matt seconded it. The motion passed.


NKM: Convention-hospitality room made lots of money. Room was sponsored by Jos Schmidt. 655 people were registered. 48 raffle baskets. It was voted to have the 2027 convention there again.


Old Business:

·        Convention, the Batavia end was a lot of fun.

·        Pete’s trail: Scott, Andy and Tim will take up to Ongnas woods, the south half. Double OO to V-will need a volunteer.


New Business:

·        CD-will mature at $10,080 in April. Made $380 in 9 months. Dale moved to renew it for 5% for another 9 months, seconded by Terr. The motion passed.

·        Raffle-Andy moved to get 300 tickets, seconded by Tim. The motion passed.

·        Tucker storage-Tim moved to pay Dean $500 & a case of beer, seconded by Terry. The motion passed.

·        Meetings at Chissy’s-talk to Cindi to have the meeting the 1st Tues in Sept if possible.



·        Bob nominated Erich for President; Wayne seconded it. Terry moved to close & cast a unanimous ballot, seconded by Dale. The motion passed.

·        Tim Veldboom moved to nominate Scott for VP; Terry seconded it. Chuck moved to close & cast a unanimous ballot, seconded by Terry. The motion passed.

·        Bob moved to nominate Andy Veldboom for the board, seconded by Pete. Terry moved to close & cast a unanimous ballot, seconded by Tim Veldboom. The motion passed.


Fall workshop will be in Oct in Wisconsin Dells




$50-Chris Duchow

$30-Jerry Hietpas

$20-Dylan Entringer

$10-Scott Nett


The club thanked Pete and Robin for all the hard work they have done for the club.


Matt moved a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Wayne. The motion passed.

March 5, 2024

The meeting was called to order by President Erich Roethel

The secretary’s report was read. Tim moved a motion to accept the secretary’s report, seconded by Terry. The motion passed.

The treasurer’s report was read. Dale moved a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Jeff. The motion passed.


Trails: Bob was not here. Keep trails in until Mar 15th, if possible until after the convention.


Tucker: Dean reported:

·        will need three more belts to rebuild the track and then it should be good for quite awhile again. Will have a spare also.

·        Idler wheels-will need to get a couple new ones.

·        Motor-Steve Hibbs looked at it. He is a mechanic for Wagner Excavating, he is willing to work on it this summer. Will save us quite a bit of money.

·        Steering-needs some ball joints


NKM: Convention-all the rooms are booked. Expecting 500+ people. Four tour buses to go around RA and shop at the Paddock. Elections for the AWSC will be held. NKM elections were held, and the same people were reelected. Next meeting is hosted by Kiel at the Plymouth Snow Rangers clubhouse.


Old Business:

·        Spring Convention:

o   Two raffle baskets for at the Osthoff are taken care of, as well as the two bottles of booze, still looking for help.

o   Batavia-need members to help. Howie Mitchell will pick up Tucker, Todd Krahn will get the drag. Will need someone to help load. Erich has a meeting with the other clubs helping at Batavia on Mar 11th and will have the final details. I will send out an email then.

·        Leveler: Plymouth has a used one for sale. $500. Tim will look at it and see what he thinks. Discussion tabled for now.

·        Food Pantry items went to Cedar Grove First Reformed Church. Thank you, Dan, for delivering.


New Business:

·        Groomer: How much do you spend on it? Dean and the guys will come up with a rough estimate at the next meeting.

·        Jamie: reimbursement for Microsoft Office for the minutes and roster. $73. Corey moved to reimburse; Tim seconded it. The motion passed.

·        Food in April-yes

·        Elections for April: Andy, Scott and Erich are up for reelection.

·        Pete would like to give up his part of the trail. He marks from 5corners to W. He will take the stakes out now. And help whoever is interested in taking over in Spring to show where it goes.




$50-Sue Schlict

$30-Matt Katte

$20-Jim Truttschel

$10-Brandon Hoftiezer


Chuck moved a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Matt. The motion passed.

February 6, 2024

The meeting was called to order by President Erich Roethel

The secretary’s report was read. Terry moved a motion to accept the secretary’s report, seconded by Jeff. The motion passed.

The treasurer’s report was read. Dale moved a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Terry. The motion passed.


Trails: There was one reroute because of crops that did not get off. Trails opened after the “blizzard” Jan 12th, because of the heavy snow and winds there were a lot of down trees, Ongina woods was impassable until Thurs 18th. Cascade woods also had some bad spots with people stuck. Thanks to everyone that helped cut trees down, cleared the trails. Robin is on a break, a couple guys picked up the grooming, were out everyday until the track came off. We had a few nice days of riding.


Tucker: First time out with the new groomer. Dean, Dale, Wayne, Tim, and Chuck helped with grooming. Went out for 5 days, it worked great. Drives good. Saturday Feb 20th the track came off, some snowmobilers helped put it back on. And they got it back to Dean’s shop. Tim rebuilt the track and got it back on. If the trails do open again, it can go out. But there will be some things to work on in the off season:

·        Rebuild the track and have a spare.

·        There is an oil leak, possibly the head gasket.

·        Will probably need to spend some money on it this summer.


NKM: Mike Holden-there will not be any supplemental. The AWSC convention is in March at the Osthoff. The hospitality room will raise money for travel expenses for the directors. Sheboygan County did a great job pulling it all together to get the trails open. Next meeting will be at Kims Five Corners Tap, Feb 22, 7:00. Will need to pay dues and it will be elections.


Old Business:

·        Spring Convention:

o   Mary Holden-for the hospitality room, needs help Saturday 5-8 & 8-11, also would like people to bring finger foods to serve. There will be raffles, free beer, and a cash bar. Two raffle baskets-drop off at Holdens or bring to NKM meeting in March. Will also be a 50/50 raffle. Matt moved to pay the $25 registration fee for anyone willing to volunteer to work, Terry seconded it. The motion carried.

·        Leveling equipment-Dave Eisentrout has some equipment we can rent/borrow. It is on a trailer. We can just go pick it up the day we need it and bring it back. Better to save our money for the groomer if it needs some work.

·        Robin & Pete-where are they at? Will need to find out by the end of the season. They have a section of trail as well.


New Business:

·        Food Drive-thanks to everyone that brought items. Dan Lorier will take to Campus Life

·        Thanks to everyone that helped clean up trails and groomed.

·        AWSC was overwhelmed with trail passes when it snowed. Good idea to get your trail pass early.

·        NKM dues are $60. Matt moved to pay the dues, seconded by Andy. The motion carried.

·        Our elections will be in April. Does anyone want to run for the board?

·        Feb 9-11 Plymouth Rangers has the snow cross races. There will be a band on Saturday night.



$50-Joel Dulmes

$30-Jim DePagter

$20-Matt Kroeplien

$10-Dona Winter


Andy moved a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by everyone. The motion passed.

January 2, 2024

The meeting was called to order by President Erich Roethel

The secretary’s report was read. Dale moved a motion to accept the secretary’s report, seconded by Terri. The motion passed.

The treasurer’s report was read. Matt moved a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Dan. The motion passed.


Trails: Bob thanked everyone for getting the trails in. There are a few sections not done, waiting for crops. He has everything entered into SNARS just waiting to submit when all the signs are in


Tucker-uses a little oil, will have extra on hand if go out grooming, its greased and the track adjusted. It is ready to go.


NKM: raffle tickets are available, ¼ of the AWSC membership is from out of state, DNR-may have possible mandatory bridge inspections, we will need volunteers to work at the convention in the hospitality room and two raffle baskets, and three bottles of booze.

 Old Business:

·        Spring Convention:

o   We will need a total of three raffle baskets, Oostburg Lumber have donated one, another by Steve TenPas, TenPas drywall. We will just need a third, possibly made up of items from the area, Chuck will donate maple syrup.

o   Three bottles of booze, 1 will be donated by the Woltring’s.


New Business:

·        Matt moved a motion for the club to purchase some apparel for the convention, for a raffle basket, and to sell. Dan seconded it, the motion passed.

·        Robin made some calls about a new leveling implement called a power harrow. It was $14,000, new. The board discussed it, and it was decided to table for now, keep eyes and ears open for a used one. We might need the money from our treasury right now if we open the trails and groom. The groomer has never been used by us on Open trails, and we may have problems that will need fixing.

·        Food Drive in February


Jan 27 Snowrunners Vintage snowmobile show

Feb 9-11 Snow Rangers snow cross


Everyone do a snow dance!



$50-Jim VanStelle

$30-Jim DePagter

$20-Mike Hintz

$10-Kathy Baumgart


Chuck moved a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Terri. The motion passed.

December 5, 2023

The meeting was called to order by President Erich Roethel

The secretary’s report was read. Chuck moved a motion to accept the secretary’s report, seconded by Terri. The motion passed.

The treasurer’s report was read. Pete moved a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Bob. The motion passed.


Trails: Could open next week (HaHa), Landowner gift cards will be mailed out before Christmas. Let Bob know if you cannot get your trail in, due to crops. Email Bob the hours once you can.


Tucker-nothing new


NKM: 2 year & 4 year scholarships were given out. There will be a new organization for people after KAOS 18-35 called Next Generation. Trails need to be turned in to the county Dec 1st. Let DNR if your working on a trail with a snowmobile while the trails are closed. NKM meeting Dec 21st at Adell Community Hall


Old Business:

·        Spring Convention:

o   March at Osthoff, NKM will have a hospitality suite, we will need two volunteers to work a shift, one raffle basket worth $50, two bottles of booze. Scott said Oostburg Lumber will donate the raffle basket.

o   Tour to Batavia Community Center, will need a booth with club information, a $50 raffle basket, one bottle alcohol. Possibly get hats or t-shirts made with 5corners Logo


New Business:

·        The Jan 2nd meeting will be held at Kims 5 Corners

·        Website renewal-$10, Tim moved to pay it, seconded by Pete. The motion passed.



$50-Robert Schmidt

$30-Bonnie Broder

$20-Rea Dorzok

$10-Cliff Meyer


Luke a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Terri. The motion passed.

November 7, 2023

The meeting was called to order by President Erich Roethel

The secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were read. Pete moved a motion to approve the reports as read, seconded by Cory. The motion passed.


Trails: Let Bob know any changes to the trails by the end of the month. The club insurance was paid.


Tucker-nothing new, will go over it, grease and tighten bolts.


NKM: Mike Holden reported-thanked Robin for the great job on the bridge behind Chuck.

·        Grooming, any work done on trails and such needs to be reported into SNARS within 45 days.

·        There is a recording of the SNARS training, it should be on the DNR website.

·        Club insurance is with a group discount, so it is as cheap as possible.

·        Convention-there is a new Miss Snowflake. Legislation went through that signs in the State Forest will now be able to list businesses. Supplemental is $900 a mile.

·        March Convention in Elkhart Lake at the Osthoff: Will possibly be able to take attendees for a lap around Road America. NKM will be having a hospitality room-it will be a fundraiser for the NKM to pay for travel expenses for the director. Each club will need to donate a raffle basket and have 2 people volunteer to help in the room during the convention.

·        Trespassing needs to stop, but how to deal with it. What is a closed trail?


Old Business:

·        March convention-will need a $50 raffle basket, 2 bottles of booze, and 2 people to volunteer for the NKM hospitality room. Volunteers will need to be registered for the convention. The club will cover that.

·        Raffle tickets were all turned in at the start of the meeting. Andy sold 50 tickets and Dale sold 40. Congrats on winning the cash and/or card for selling the most tickets.


New Business:

·        Landowners Gifts-Luke moved a motion to get Chissy’s gift card worth $50, if not available due to the new owners, an equivalent card from somewhere else, seconded by Pete. All in favor

·        December meeting, we will have food. Pizza and Apps, and a $10 gift exchange


$50-Scott Allen

$30-Jeff Steinke

$20-Leo Verbrigghe

$10-John Mueller


Andy moved a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Tim. The motion passed.

October 3, 2023

The meeting was called to order by President Erich Roethel

The secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were read. The CD was renewed, it went from 2% to 5%. Matt moved a motion to accept both, seconded by Dan. The motion passed.


Trails: Bob handed out landowner lists from the county, he will need to sign off in about a month, let him know any changes. Now would be a good time to knock down weeds. 50 stakes came in, they will be picked up and available at Dale’s. The trail that goes through Waldo Park should be good for the next few years.


Tucker-Dean started it today.


NKM: blue mound lawsuit is still going. KAOS needs blankets and stuffed animals. Ebikes are allowed on the Plank Road trail. Safety Classes, sign up on


Old Business:

·        Raffle tickets, we have 100 left to sell.

·        AWSC fall convention is in Lacrosse Oct 20-22

·        Check in with landowners.

·        The Snow Show in West Bend was very good.


New Business:

·        Raffle tickets-should we have a reward for the most sold. Matt moved to give the top 2 sellers $50 in cash or a gift card to Chissy’s, the winners’ choice. Andy seconded it. The motion passed.

·        5 corners apparel-we need a minimum order for a group order. If anyone wants any, they can call Mountain Screenry in Oostburg and order on their own.

·        Commercial Sponsors-in the past we paid for Chissy’s and Kim’s. $35 each. Dale moved to pay for both again, seconded by Tim. The motion passed.

·        AWSC spring Convention Mar 22-24 at the Osthoff.  Erich met with some of the clubs from the South of Sheboygan County to sponsor an outing or tour that participants of the convention can sign up to go on. Possibly a stop at SOLU, then lunch at the old Hilltop in Batavia. Each club would need to set up a small info booth with a couple volunteers, volunteers on the bus as well. And we will need to get some donations for a raffle basket and 2 bottles of booze.

·        Plymouth will be having the snow cross races again in February.

·        Club Ride- if we get snow and the trails open.

·        Chuck’s bridge, if we get snow, we could have a dedication for the new bridge.


Dale moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Terri. The motion passed.

September 5, 2023

The meeting was called to order by President Erich Roethel

The secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were read. Chuck moved a motion to accept both, seconded by Scott. The motion passed.


Trails: start checking with landowners, let Bob know of any changes. All trail marking last year was paid in full.  50 stakes should be on order, waiting to hear when they come in.


Tucker-is collecting dust, Dean started it up through the summer.


NKM: Sept 21st the meeting will be at Plymouth Snow Rangers shed. April convention had 635 people attend. AWSC will have a booth at the Wide-Open Snow Show instead of the Milwaukee one. 16 fatalities. Travel had 1.4 million hits. Greenbush club will be making gates, the gate will be at the end of Greenbush trail into Sheboygan, so when Fond du Lac opens again and not Sheboygan, they can just open sect 7 with Fond du Lac. The New Fane club is still interested in being a part of NKM.


Old Business:

·        Chuck’s bridge finally got replaced this summer, Thanks to Robin and Ryan they did a great job.


New Business:

·        300 raffle tickets were printed. Please pick up after the meeting, need to be turned in by the start of the November meeting.

·        Oct 20-22 AWSC Fall convention in LaCrosse, registration, and hotel the club would pay for. Let Erich know if interested in going.

·        Talk to landowners.

·        Dean B went viral pulling his signs in a kayak.

·        Turn in memberships.


Chuck moved a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Bob. The motion passed.

April 4, 2023

The meeting was called to order by President Scott DeRuyter

The secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were approved as read.


Trails: Another year with trails that we don’t use. We got $1160 for grooming. We didn’t use much gas. Used up all the money allotted, no supplemental because there was no snow. Trial removal, it is really muddy right now. Email hours when done.


Tucker-runs good


NKM: Greenbush was upset that section 7 didn’t get opened with the Fond du Lac trails. SNARS-get hours in


Old Business: none


New Business:

·        Audit books

·        Tucker storage- Tim moved to pay Dean $500 for storing the Tucker, Terri seconded it. The motion passed.

·        AWSC convention was in Green Bay

o   Don’t post financial information on social media.

o   American income & life is again giving out $3,000 in life insurance to AWSC members.

o   Ran out of trail pass stickers, sold 20,000.

·        Donate to breakfast on the farm

·        Sept meeting will be Sept 5th if it is good with Chissy’s.



$50 Eric Del Ponte

$30 Lori Veldboom

$20 Alison Scholten

$10 Ann Lotter


Elections: Bob Boss, Cory Rusch and Robin Dorzok are up for reelection. Chuck moves to nominate Bob for the board, Pete second it. Bob accepted the nomination. Cory and Robin did not want to rerun. Erich moved to nominate Dale VanWyk and Luke Scholten, seconded by Matt Katte. They both accepted the nomination. Chuck moved to close nominations seconded by Terri.  Chuck moved to cast a unanimous ballot for Bob, Dale, and Luke. Tim seconded it. The motion passed.

After a short discussion by the board to decide on officers. The new President is Erich Roethel, VP Scott DeRuyter, and Treasurer Dean Buelke.


Pete moved a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Chuck. The motion passed.

March 7, 2023

The meeting was called to order by President Scott DeRuyter

The secretary’s and treasurer’s report were approved as read.


Trails: not much to report. Bob was glad he Tucker went out. Nice to get it out and see how it worked. The clubs were 50/50 opening on that last big snowfall. But there was no frost and too much water. We got $1000 for grooming. Stakes can be pulled after March 15th. Email Bob with hours when done.


Tucker: Dale said it was very nice, better than the old one and it needs the radio fixed.


NKM report:

·   Ken’s Powersports donated $10,000 to scholarships for the military & AWSC members

·   DNR along with the AWSC is trying to figure what to do about all the trespassing

·   6,000 students were certified during the safety courses this year.


New Business:

·   Breakfast on the Farm donation-$75, Dale moved to donate, Pete seconded it. The motion passed.

·   AWSC convention is in Green Bay this month. Early registration is over.

·   Food at the next meeting-yes of course

·   Raffle-lets get 300 tickets to sell next year. If we do not sell them all we do not

·       Elections will be held in April. Scott will be stepping down as President.



Raffle winners:

$50 Jim Ziehm

$30 Mira Koene

$20 Sharon Eigenberger

$10 Laura Boldt


Pete moved to adjourn the meeting, second by Bob. The motion passed.

February 7, 2023

The meeting was called to order by President Scott DeRuyter

The secretary’s and treasurer’s report were approved as read


Trails: we got a check in full for leveling, $4000, Mike Hintz will take over Bob Stoydks trail in Waldo


Tucker: all good, small oil leak


NKM report:

·       Mike Holden reported: went to the groomer show, they are getting bigger and more expensive. 9 fatalities, all over 40. Not staying to the right & off trail riding has been a problem. The VP at AWSC is up for reelection. There are 2 people running for AWSC secretary.

·       Convention: Scott will be going


New Business:

·       NKM dues-$60. Bob moved to pay them, seconded by Luke. The motion passed.

·       Food pantry donations-Amy Assmann will take to the food pantry in Adell.

·       My office 365 is due, $69.99. Cory moved to reimburse me; Quinn seconded it. The motion passed.

·       Dale will check on putting the culvert in by Pietenpohl.

·       Amy mentioned getting into the parades again or doing other promotional events. She would help.


Raffle winners:

$50 Katie Meier

$30 Cliff Meyer

$20 Steve Tenpas

$10 Matt Kroeplien


Meeting concluded.

January 3, 2023

The meeting was called to order by President Scott DeRuyter

The secretary’s and treasurer’s report were approved as read


Trails: gift cards went out. Robin took the groomer out, GPS worked. There is a glitch, but it should get worked out. All marking hours were turned in except one group.


Tucker: took the tucker from Waldo to Oostburg, worked well. Needs bigger mirrors.

NKM report:

·       Printed maps-on hold to see if we get snow, it is online, but some still want paper

·       AWSC might be bringing back the Life Insurance policy.

·       40,954 family memberships

·       15,607 commercial sponsors

·       The new administration in Sheboygan County has been good.

·       49,000 hits last month on the NKM website


New Business:

·       On the trail by Pietenpohl, there was a culvert out. It is rebuilt with a small deck and filled in with gravel. It will be good for this winter.

·       NKM would like info or announcements for the homepage.

·       Bob Stoydk cannot mark his trail anymore from Waldo park to Chissy’s, Dean will talk to Mike Hintz if he wants to do it

·       Scott asked what the club thought of getting an old drag to level, could put it behind the groomer or a tractor. Something heavy duty, could do whole trail system even with frost. More discussion at next meeting

·       Pete would like to buy some 2x2s, he puts his trail marker on them and then attaches to the post. There is a lot of them at Oostburg Lumber for $50. Erich moved a motion to purchase it, seconded by Charlie. The motion passed.

·       Snow Runners has a vintage sled show on Jan 28th, has to be 1995 or older

·       Bigger mirrors for the Tucker-Tim told Pete get the mirrors you need

·       Chissy’s is sold-will see how it goes, possibly move to Kim’s next season if need be

·       How can we get new members?


Raffle winners:

$50 Al Harmeling

$30 Garret VanWyk

$20 Ashley Leu

$10 Al Harmeling


Luke moved a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Erich. The motion passed.

Food for food pantry in February

December 6, 2022

The meeting was called to order by President Scott DeRuyter

The secretary’s and treasurer’s report were approved as read


Trails: most of the trails are in. They can open Dec 15th, Bob sent everything to the county. Gift cards are picked up and will be sent out.


Tucker: Dean started it and moved it into the shop, changed the oil. GPS needs to be wired; spot mirrors need to be added to see the track better.


New Business:

·       Website renewal is $10. Matt moved to pay it, seconded by Charlie. The motion passed.

·       GPS-new one is here, just needs to be wired in.

·       January 3rd meeting is at 5 Corners.

·       Cascade trail is marked up to ours.

·       Chissy’s Gift cards are picked up. First of the year Chissy’s will be sold. The meetings should stay the same.

·       Raffle-addresses need to be filled out. If no address and the person that sold the ticket is not there, no prize will be given. There will be a redraw.


Raffle winners:

$50 Luke Sander

$30 Josh DeBruine

$20 Caleb DeRuyter

$10 Josh DeBruine


Terri moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Luke. The motion passed.

November 1, 2022

The meeting was called to order by President Scott DeRuyter

The secretary’s and treasurer’s report were approved as read


Trails: let Bob know by the end of the month any landowner changes, crops are coming off. When Bob checked the woods behind the County hospital, there were a lot of trees down. Make sure to check the woods ahead of time. There will be a small trail change by Kim’s 5 Corners, because of the new road. Keep track of all hours, it adds up.


Tucker: will be getting a checkup soon


NKM: 206 miles of trail are up for DNR approval, funding for trails on lakes is being considered. AWSC might not go to the Milwaukee snow show anymore, just not enough attendance. SNARS make sure data is sent before logging off. The GPS for the groomer needs to be replaced, Mike Holden has ours. We will need to send the old one back. Plymouth Snow Rangers had 19 kids attending, go to the DNR site Go Wild for a list of classes


Old Business:

·       Raffle tickets should have been turned in at the start of the meeting

·       If anyone needs help brushing, we can set a date

·       Groomer drivers, Dale and Chuck would volunteer

·       Club Insurance-was mailed but it couldn’t be delivered, so it needed to be paid ASAP at the Oct NKM meeting. So, it is taken care of


New Business:

·       Landowner gift cards-they are worth $50, we pay $13 and Chissy’s covers the rest. We need 54 of them. Pete moved a motion to purchase them again, seconded by Bob. The motion passed.

·       Food for Christmas party, pizza, and sides. And there will be a $10 gift exchange for anyone interested.

·       The winner of the Chissy’s gift card for selling the most raffle tickets go to Paul Meyer-60 tickets


Raffle winners:

$50 Karl Knauf

$30 Bob Ulickey

$20 Mike DeBruine

$10 Brandon Kreutzer


Matt moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Charlie. The motion passed.

October 4, 2022

The meeting was called to order by President Scott DeRuyter

The secretary’s and treasurer’s report were approved as read


Trails: call landowners, any reroutes let Bob know by the next meeting, check signs, replace if needed


Tucker: collecting dust


NKM: Mike Holden was here. DNR is short of help. 383 new miles of funded trail was applied for, raise for grooming, raise for marking. Falls safety class is scheduled for Oct 27, Nov 3, and Nov 10. Limited to 16 students. Oct 21-23 is the Fall Workshop early registration is by Oct 9th. Oct 14 & 15 is the snow show in Milwaukee. GPS tracking units may need to be replaced.


Old Business:

·       Raffle tickets need to be turned in by Nov meeting, please sell all


New Business:

·       Club insurance is due in Nov usually

·       AWSC workshop-let Scott know if interested in going

·       Info Sign on trail in Waldo needs to be cleaned and updated. Dean will do it

·       Commercial Sponsors- do we want to pay for Kim's and Chissy’s again. Erich moved to pay for their commercial sponsorship members, seconded by Pete. The motion passed.


 Terri moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Tim. The motion passed.

September 13, 2022

The meeting was called to order by President Scott DeRuyter

The secretary’s and treasurer’s report were approved as read


Trails: call landowners, any reroutes let Bob know


Tucker: parked and waiting for snow


NKM: looking into funding for trail rollers


Chucks bridge is waiting for funding approval, the rest of the bridges are good

AWSC convention is in Wausau

The books were audited, they were good


We have 250 raffle tickets to see, due at the beginning of the November meeting


Steve moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Andy.

April 5, 2022

The 5 Corners snowmobile club meeting was called to order by President Scott DeRuyter

The secretary’s report was approved as read

The treasurer’s report was approved as read


Trails-were leveled great. GPS worked and is updated. Can pull stakes anytime and let Bob know


Tucker- might be an oil leak, and need to tighten up the track some more


NKM- banner for Breakfast on the Farm is made, all clubs are contributing. Mike Holden says a grant is submitted for Chuck’s bridge, could be approved in August.


AWSC: everyone is re-elected. Secretary of DNR was the speaker. Passed an ordinance so that they could run during another incident like Covid.


Old Business:

·        Breakfast on the Farm banner. $75 for advertising. Tim moved to contribute the $75, seconded by Bob. All in favor


New Business:

·        Trails can come out

·        Bob Stodyk will need help taking out his trail. Dean said he will do it

·        Tucker storage fee. Dale moved to give Dean $500, seconded by Tim. All in favor

·        CD-should we put some back in? Erich moved to put $10,000 into the CD, seconded by Luke. All in favor

·        Raffle tickets-Matt moved to get 250 raffle tickets; Andy seconded it. All in favor


Elections: Dean, Dan and Pete are up for re-election. Chuk moved to cast a unanimous ballot to re-elect-Dean, Dan and Pete and close nominations, Terri seconded it. All in favor



$50 Matt Katte

$30 Bonnie Eigenberger

$20 Sharon Eigenberger

$10 Roberta Knier


Our next meeting will be September 13th, Dues will be $20 up to the first meeting. $25 after that, deadline of December meeting to be renewed


Pete moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Tim. All in favor

March 1, 2022

The 5 Corners snowmobile club meeting was called to order by President Scott DeRuyter

The secretary’s report was approved as read

The treasurer’s report was approved as read


Trails-the GPS is working on the groomer. It needs to be updated


Tucker- ran over a tree in cascade, the track almost came off


NKM- hosted by us at 5 corners tap


Old Business:

·        None


New Business:

·        The convention is coming up

·        Elections-Dean, Dan and Peter are up for reelection

·        Breakfast on the farm donation will be decided next year

·        Food for the bust-up party in April



$50 Bridgette Gonnering

$30 Lori Veldboom

$20 Nancy VanWyk

$10 Julia Hofmann


Andy moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Luke. The motion passed

February 1, 2022

The 5 Corners snowmobile club meeting was called to order by President Scott DeRuyter

The secretary’s report was approved as read

The treasurer’s report was approved as read


Trails-Cheryl is retiring from the county office, we got a $3400 check already, should be $4000 coming yet. Waiting for snow


Tucker- ready


NKM- get spring projects submitted, Larry Rietbrock will help with paperwork. New trail maps should be printed, sell map ads online. NKM website has 45,000 hits, 4-5000 a month. Elections will be at the February meeting. AWSC is looking for current ideas for the fall workshops.


Old Business:

·        Breakfast on the farm-looking for a $1000 donation to be at gold level, $75 a club with name on a board

·        Digitize scrapbooks- anyone want to?

·        Feb 24th NKM meeting is at Five Corners Tap; we are hosting. 7:00

·        Food donations will go to the Adell food pantry


New Business:

·        Dues for NKM are $60. Chuck moved to pay, seconded by Cory. The motion passed

·        Fischer’s put in the outlet at Kim’s, cost $160

·        Chuck moved to give Dean a baseball hat with the new logo, seconded by Erich. The motion passed

·        Trail ride-will send email if it snows

·        Reimburse Jamie for Microsoft Office 365 to type minutes and roster. $69.99. Bob moved, seconded by Terri. The motion passed.



$50 Lori Faulkner

$30 Bonnie Eigenberger

$20 Julia Hoffmann

$10 Lori Veldboom


Pete moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Andy. The motion passed

January 4, 2022

The 5 Corners snowmobile club meeting was called to order by President Scott DeRuyter

The secretary’s report was approved as read

The treasurer’s report was approved as read


Trails-get all hours turned into Bob


Tucker- is 100% ready to roll, just need snow


NKM- website hits are up, the 40’ rule passed. Also, headlights need to be dimmed when approaching vehicles, 41,000 trail passes were sold by the December meeting, convention elections, there will be a groomer shop at the directors meeting in St Germain, Feb 2 & 3, Greenbush is having issues on the 23 trail, where they have the construction fence, the drag will take it out. The Jan meeting is at Odyssey in Falls


Old Business: None


New Business:

·        It was brought up to sponsor Breakfast on the Farm, sounds like a good idea. Scott will get the details and we can decide at one of the next meetings

·        Would someone like to digitize the scrapbooks? Maybe hire someone, Amy will look into it

·        Robin is looking for a volunteer to install an outlet on the shed at 5 Corners, to plug the groomer in

·        NKM meeting in Feb, the third Thursday is hosted by us at 5 Corners. NKM dues will be due then also

·        Amy thanked everyone for the great party, as surprised and grateful for all the donations

·        Club ride-when the trails open, on a Saturday afternoon, meet at 5 Corners, will send out an email

·        Chuck’s bridge is fixed for now, there are 3 bids to fix it for good, next year



$50 Chris Duchow

$30 Scott Ongna

$20 Mike DeBruine

$10 Jacob Tenpas


Luke moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Matt. The motion passed

December 7, 2021

The 5 Corners snowmobile club meeting was called to order by President Scott DeRuyter

The secretary’s report was approved as read

The treasurer’s report was approved as read


Trails-Make sure trails are in by Dec 15th, turn hours in to Bob. He has the landowner list turned in. we should be ready


Tucker- Robin needs two helpers on his trail, lights are on, just need a couple more minor fixes


NKM- website hits are up, the 40’ rule passed. Also, headlights need to be dimmed when approaching vehicles


Old Business:

·        Apparel is here for pickup, make check out to 5 Corners

·        The January meeting will be at 5 Corners Tap

·        The bridge Dale was working on is done, 14’ wide now

·        Robin needs help with 7 to 8 trees that fell, he has an ATV and UTV to use

·        The bill for the website is $10, Erich moved to pay it, seconded by Pete. All in favor



$50 Robin Dorzak

$30 Bruce Neerhoff

$20 Bonnie Broder

$10 Jeff Fliss


Dale presented Pat and Kim from 5 Corners Tap a sweatshirt as thanks for what they do for the club

Mike Holden presented the club a certificate from the AWSC for 50 years of membership


Pete moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Luke. The motion passed

November 2, 2021

The 5 Corners snowmobile club meeting was called to order by President Scott DeRuyter

The secretary’s report was approved as read

The treasurer’s report was approved as read


Trails-check with landowners, let Bob know changes, he must have in by the end of November. What they have on paper needs to match the GPS in groomer. Was suggested to put GPS on ATV and ride the whole trail before snow


Tucker- decals are on, measured for a new windshield, put track back on, needs an oil change yet


NKM- attendance was down for the snow show, Arctic Cat and Yamaha not there, Plymouth Snow Rangers had a 50th year celebration, safety classes will have to follow the COVID protocols of the building they are having the class in. NKM website had 42,000 hits. Cascade club pizza party is Nov 5th. Kewaskum and Kiel have safety classes set up; Falls is working on one. Howards Grove safety class is Dec 7, 9, 14th at Laack's Hall


Old Business:

·        50th Anniversary dinner the night of the December meeting. The meeting time will be moved up to 6:30, with the dinner at 7:00. Amy asked if anyone could digitize the photos from the scrapbooks, looking for small snowmobiles as table decorations. Feel free to ask business for raffle prizes

·        All the raffle tickets were sold and turned in

·        Clothing order-make sure to send to Shari by Nov 10th

·        Scott would like a committee to work on getting the bridge over the Onion River by Jensemas rebuilt. It will be a lot of work that will take years


New Business:

·        Gift cards for landowners, Dale moved to purchase fifty of them for $40, worth $50, Wayne seconded it. All in favor

·        Bridge-Dale will have it done by December 15th

·        Groomer drivers- anybody interested in learning will need to work with Robin & Pete

·        December meeting meal will be chicken and tips, salad bar

·        Chuck’s bridge is not done. Falls club measured but Chuck has not heard any more. The trail will not go through if it is not fixed

·        Commercial Sponsors-Chissy’s and Kim’s Five Corners, Pete moved for us to pay the sponsorship fee, Tim seconded it. All in favor

·        Scott reported on the AWSC convention


Raffle- Paul Meyer sold the most at 40 tickets and Wayne Ver Duin sold 30, they both received a Chissy’s gift card

$50 Mike Schaefer

$30 Matt Katte

$20 Nick Kertcher

$10 Eric Del Ponte


Robin suggested we get Chissy’s and Kim’s apparel to thank them for what they do for the club, Erich moved to go ahead with that, Wayne seconded it. All in favor


Erich moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Matt. All in favor

October 5, 2021

The 5 Corners snowmobile club meeting was called to order by President Scott DeRuyter

The secretary’s report was approved as read

The treasurer’s report was approved as read


Trails-check with landowners, let Bob know changes, he has to have in by the end of November


Tucker-painted, put back together, decals are ordered


NKM-40’ rule is moving forward, GPS tracking will not come out of funding, GPS mandatory by November, there is a Sheboygan County Holiday hunt this year, KAOS needs silent auction items for convention


Old Business:

·        Decals ordered for Tucker

·        50th Anniversary Ideas-suggested at Hingham Hall, Dean suggested we have a dinner at the December meeting, invite landowners as well. Will need a RSVP and check with Chissy’s if they will cook for that many. Amy and Debbie will start organizing, I will put together an invite


New Business:

·        Once the decals are on the Tucker, need a group pic

·        Convention-Scott and Judy are going, anyone else that wants to let Scott know

·        Apparel, Shari Van Wyk put together all the info, I will email out, deadline for ordering is Nov 10, clothes can be picked up at December meeting

·        Trail-someone from the Falls club measured Chuck’s bridge to get the wood, hopefully it gets done

·        Dean was going through old club records, will bring some of it to the 50th anniversary party

·        NKM insurance is due $643.03, Erich moved to pay it, seconded by Dale, all in favor

·        All the raffle tickets are out to sell, need to be turned in at the November meeting



Luke moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Pete. All in favor